Health and wellness

Our products can be part of an active, healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Obesity has turned into a significant threat for health. It is primarily the result of energy imbalance. The most effective way to manage body weight is to balance the amount of energy (calories) consumed with the amount expended through physical activity and healthy living. As a responsible business in the beverage industry, we make it our goal to promote a balanced lifestyle, which includes practicing sports and making informed choices.

We are committed to a series of objectives which global business system will seek to achieve by 2020. These cover:

  • Low or no calorie options in every market
  • Transparent nutrition information
  • Helping to get people moving by supporting physical activity programmes
  • Marketing responsibly, including no marketing to children under 12 years old

In 2015, we moved 50,566 people through our sports-related initiatives, most of which were jointly organized with The Coca- Cola Company: Happy Moves, Urbathlon, SETS Epode, SGIM Epode, Red Bike.

Over the years we have enriched our beverage portfolio with drinks without sugar and calories, as Coca‑Cola Zero Sugar Zero Calories, or with a low content of sugar, such as our Nestea ice tea, sweetened with stevia, an innovative new natural sweetener derived from the leaves of the stevia plant, which helped us reduce the sugar content by 30%.

By communicating the calorie values of our products clearly and transparently, we help consumers make informed choices and manage their overall energy needs. We make key nutritional information visible on front-of-pack labels on our bottles and cans.

As an effect of our commitment to market responsibly, we do not purchase advertising directly targeted at audiences where more than 35 percent are children under the age of 12. This policy applies principally to television, radio and print but also to internet and mobile. We are also vehemently opposed to direct commercial activity in primary schools.

Find out more about these commitments.