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Current Site: Romania
We also partner with other beverage businesses such as Monster, Brown Forman and Campari to sell their products in our markets.
The Coca-Cola Company owns, develops and markets its brands with the end consumer. We are responsible for producing, distributing, and selling these beverages. We work together to ensure that we have the right portfolio for our markets and to ensure excellent, efficient execution.
We buy concentrate from The Coca-Cola Company under an incidence-based pricing model. We also share marketing costs and responsibilities; The Coca-Cola Company undertakes marketing to consumers while we take responsibility for trade marketing to our customers.
Compania Coca‑Cola, impreuna cu cei 300 de parteneri imbuteliatori – inclusiv Coca‑Cola HBC – formeaza Sistemul Coca‑Cola. Sistemul genereaza valoare atat pentru clienti, cat si pentru consumatori, ceea ce-l face unic in mediul de afaceri. In Romania, Sistemul Coca‑Cola este format din Coca‑Cola Romania, filiala The Coca‑Cola Company, si Coca‑Cola HBC Romania (CCHBC). Intregul nostru lant de valoare genereaza pe plan local o valoare adaugata totala de 448 milioane de euro, cifra echivalenta cu 0,3% din PIB-ul Romaniei.